Friday, December 22, 2006

Sights and sounds of the season

So even with the stress of finals, we Yalies still find ways to have fun - one of my friends had a small concert at the Calhoun master's house last weekend. It was pretty cool - I didn't know until now that Diana played violin, even after working with her in the Keil Lab all summer.

Several other colleges also seem to have copied Silliman's idea of doing "graham" houses, though they went slightly more overboard, like this model of Bingham that was proudly displayed in the Trumbull dining hall:

The Berkeley dining hall staff seemed to have a lot of fun too, though they actually took the time to make these out of gingerbread and not just use graham crackers.
One night at dinner, a group of people even came in and just started caroling - members of the OTYC and the Women's Slavic Chorus, but also others that just came along for fun.
I stayed a couple extra days to run errands, do some Christmas shopping and finish up some YSM stuff...on one of my explorations around Broadway I came across this new shop, Elm City Artists. It's a cooperative group of artists from New Haven (hence the name) that pooled their resources to showcase their work in this shop as well as in other private galleries. Their work takes all forms, from painting to mixed media to pottery and sculpture. Naturally, there's a lot of Yale-inspired subjects, but I also really liked some of the other pieces:
Mixed media birches, which was cool because the "bark" seemed to have 3-D texture
The top two are Connecticut Hall (left) and the Law School courtyard (right)
Rose Walk between Berkeley and Sterling Memorial Library

I also had a little (too much?) fun with my desk lamp and the Santa hat I got from Master K for helping her out at the Silliman Fellows party...reminds me of the Pixar lamp =P

Anyway, going home tomorrow...happy holidays everyone!

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