Monday, September 15, 2008


Observation: People need to pay more attention to their surroundings.

Exhibit A: Boy (not looking where he's going) crashes into girl with full tray, spilling the water/juice she was carrying. A dining hall worker rushes over with a mop to wipe up the mess.

Exhibit B: Just after the floor has been cleaned, the dining hall manager walks over, looking off to the side, then slips on the wet floor, falls, and slides into the "Caution: Wet Floor!" sign, breaking it at the hinges.

I rest my case.

9/18/08 update: I overheard a conversation this morning in which someone was furious with her spouse for crashing his Jaguar into the rear end of someone else's car. What was he doing, you may ask? Surprisingly, not talking on a cell phone, or even fiddling with the radio...he was counting his money. No need for further exhibits, people - I'd rather that you not get hurt!

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