Saturday, September 27, 2008

Neither a night owl nor a morning glory

I don't know what happened this summer, but somehow my sleeping pattern has drastically rearranged itself from what I remember doing last year. I used to be able to push myself to stay awake until 3 AM to finish work if necessary (which it sometimes was, taking 6 credits -_-) yet get up at 8:30 to get breakfast before class or even at 7:30 to get to YNHH by 8 for volunteering. Obviously, I couldn't survive on 4 hours of sleep a night, but I was ok getting 6-7 hours/night, on average.

Now, I find myself yawning by midnight (if not earlier) yet I can barely get myself up by 9 to get dressed and rush to a 9:25 class. I've tried sleeping with the curtain open, but that doesn't work so well because my side of Silliman doesn't get much ambient light in the morning, even when it's sunny out. On the days that I don't have class, I wanted to get up and stretch or something, but unfortunately the dance studio has also been out of commission for a while (and may be again, after the heavy rain this weekend caused some basement flooding). I've also tried setting my alarm clock earlier than I need to get up, but it's at the head of my bed so it's entirely too easy to turn over and flop a hand out to hit the snooze button.

Solution attempt #1: Move my alarm clock to where I would actually have to get up to hit the snooze button or turn it off. I figure once I physically get up, I'll be awake enough to just keep moving and get ready for the day. If this doesn't work, I might have to try something more drastic like keeping a damp towel in my room to wash my face as soon as the alarm clock rings =P

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