Friday, September 19, 2008


Moments that almost ended Movie Night prematurely:
1) Realizing this afternoon that there was no laptop-projector connection cable...good thing I'm a Sillilflicks coordinator, so I grabbed the cable from there.
2) The screen wasn't inflating properly...Jack was passing by and remembered there's a vent near the bottom that has to be zippered shut.
3) Realizing during set up that there was no power cord for the projector...Efan went to look for one in the computer cluster but thankfully we also found one in the sound cables box.
4) Trying to figure out how to turn the projector on...Val saw there was a switch AND a button (we had been trying just the button)!
5) The kettle corn cart was too wide to get through the College St. Gate, so we tried the Grove St. side...luckily the padlocks were undone, so we managed to open the other side of the gate extra-wide to bring the cart in (this also took some creative climbing on my part =P)

Conclusion: You can prepare as much as you want, but in the end it's up to God to provide all the things you hadn't taken into account. Thankfully, he's a loving one.

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