Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Be thankful every day, not just Thanksgiving

I see things like this and feel profoundly grateful for the opportunities I have been given:

Life is complicated at Louisiana school

Reading the New York Times has probably become my favorite form of procrastination, but at least it's educational =P I remember how much of last year I felt like I was in a bubble, not really in touch with what was going on outside of school.

It's been a long day and there's still a lot of work to do, so not going to write much. I presented the Theory of Mind project at Caplab tonight then went straight to do layout for Yale Scientific Magazine since Brian wants to do final copy Weds and Thurs before we all leave for Thanksgiving break. Both meetings went pretty well - got a lot of good suggestions from my fellow Caplabbers about how to quantify the capuchins' behavior and ideas for future experiments...wish I could post some of my photos, especially of the new baby capuchins (there's two now!) but that would probably get me in trouble with various administrators. YSM was amazingly efficient - my team of five enthusiastic frosh laid out most of the articles that were on the server in the 90-minute session tonight, so I think I'll even cancel the layout session and just have final copy tomorrow night. It doesn't seem possible to get this out to print before break considering we don't have graphics and/or title art for most of the articles, but we'll see.

Schedule for the rest of tonight: Spanish grammar practice, working on my Spanish presentation about popular Latin-American music (Enrique Iglesias and Shakira, anyone?), then maybe some HSHM reading? Let's see how far I can push my body to get everything done the rest of the week...I'm definitely sleeping on the bus going to Boston Friday afternoon.

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