Sunday, February 01, 2009

Superbowl Sunday, Silliman style

Even if you don't particularly like football, the Superbowl is like an unofficial American holiday, associated with particular foods and traditions that vary from family to family, some of them more quirky than others. No matter what team you're cheering for (or if you just don't care), it's hard not to get caught up in the excitement of a good game.

In Silliman, our tradition has been to set up a big-screen TV in the dining hall so everyone can watch from the pre-game to the trophy ceremony while munching on goodies like mac 'n cheese, buffalo wings with ranch dressing and juicy hamburgers.

The giant TV, although it's hard to see the size from this angle

We even got to crank up the popcorn machine, which made the made the dramatic game feel even more like a movie! More than a few kernels were flying through the air whenever someone scored. Microwave popcorn is all good and well, but it's hard to beat the buttery smell of fresh-popped corn.
I'm pretty sure Silliman is the only college that has a popcorn cart

To top it all off, there was Superbowl cake, which was tasty as well as awesomely decorated:

Final result Steelers 27, Cardinals 23 in a down-to-wire thriller...but I think my favorite is still the Puppy Bowl =)

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