Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Puberty and...Dean Salovey?

Bulldog Days 2007 was an crazy three days, jam-packed with activities from visiting 9:00 classes (if prefrosh chose to do so) to late-night festivities organized by various campus groups, or perhaps just staying up talking with friends and current students. With everything going on at once, it was impossible to see/listen to everything, but I hope everyone had a good time!

My Bulldog Days began with a Phoenix performance at Mosaic - unfortunately I don't have any photos of myself balancing three bowls on my head - but two of my favorite events came Tuesday night. For those of you who were elsewhere at 7 PM and 9 PM, a sampling of photos and videos from the Davenport Pops "Puberty Concert" and the Purple Crayon's "Dean Salovey" show. For those of you who were fortunate enough to be present at either or both of these, enjoy the good memories =D

Puberty Concert - Woolsey Hall 7 PM
DPops is undoubtedly one of my favorite was founded in 2005 (one of the founders is featured in a video below) and is completely run by students with a wide range of talents and interests. Even the conductors, who also do most of the musical arrangements, are students, so it's an awesome opportunity for anyone looking to expand their musical repertoire and skills.

"Toddler Medley"

The Spizzwinks(?) performing various childhood themes

Duel of Fates - Justin vs. the Common App

Many more videos...

Dean Salovey show - Davenport dining hall 9 PM
Where else would the dean be willing to come make fun of himself in an improv comedy show? Only at a school where the president shows up at the Freshman Holiday Dinner as Santa Claus...

He's right! Maybe he is the dean...

I know a dean when I see one!

Doc, things just haven't been the same since the incident

The blue phone put me on hold...

Honey, we just moved to Australia and you killed a kangaroo!

You're going to have to throw me, elf!


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